Modular Detachment Kit (MDK)

MDK enables warfighters to manage the operational environment and local assets, as well as collaborate with distributed command and control (C2) nodes—all while integrating the latest in all-domain live, virtual, and constructive training capabilities.

Booz Allen Modular Detachment Kit

Product Features

icon for fully converged c2 system

Machine-to-Machine Data/Sensor Integration

Enables a broader, more accurate vision of the battlefield, increasing effective decision making while reducing risk of human error.

icon for modular, service-based packaging

Expandable, Open Architecture

Integrates with virtually any sensor and communications/C2 system and is rapidly adaptable to evolving requirements.

icon for flexible hosting platform

Tactical- to Theater-Level Visualization

Establishes a shared, clear, understanding of the battlespace, fusing sensor and datalink information from multiple domains.

icon for all-domain adaptability

Coalition and Joint Interoperability

Supports an expanded range of data and communications standards, offering effective joint and coalition interoperability.

Learn more about how MDK enables machine-to-machine data exchanges and multidomain integration for tactical C2 to increase situational awareness and enable faster decisions for commanders.

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